We have had a busy November.

During November, we have supported Children in Need by dressing up in spots. Later in the afternoon, parents were invited to come to class to play some games, which had the theme of spots.  In Year 6, we played a game where you keep the balloon up in the air by hitting it but you could not move off your spot.  Furthermore, we played how many raisins can you pick up one at a time ( with tweezers ) and transfer from one bowl to another. We had some incredible achievements in both games with Parents and Children winning the games. Well done to the parents who participated – such good sports!!!!!

November was the end of our History theme of Epic Egyptians. We explored the events leading up to the end of the Egyptian Empire. We identified the causes that led to the invasion of the Ancient Egyptian Empire and the consequences of the invasion and its decline. Furthermore, we identified why Rome would want Ancient Egypt as part of its Empire. We have also studied Ancient Egyptian Gods and written a non-chronological report for Ra – the God of the Sun.

During November,  we have been swimming at the leisure centre. The children were fantastic – improving their swimming or learning to swim, gaining water confidence and learning all about Water Safety in a practical way.  The children received a variety of certificates. Well Done Year 6!