The new Eco Council representatives decided, in their fortnightly meeting, that they would like to run an Eco Code competition for years 2 – 6.  They felt that the current Eco code needed updating.

Using the Eco Values each class had 2 weeks to come up with a fantastic Eco Code. An Eco Code can be a poem, rap, acronym, song or a statement.

There were lots of creative and informative entries making it a very hard decision for the Eco Representatives to choose KS1 and KS2 winners.

The winners for KS1 are (drum roll)…

Arthur and Robbie – Year 2


The winners for KS2 are (drum roll)…

Alfie and Ryan – both produced an Eco Code rap which they have decided to collaborate to produce one.  Their Eco Code Rap video will be coming soon!!

Leo Jones – creative art work


Well done to all the children at Woodlands!