What a crazy few months this has been!

In Literacy, the children retold the story ‘Escape from Pompeii’ using their revised knowledge of expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and direct speech, to make their versions more interesting. Mr Watkins and I really enjoyed reading them.

Then, they carried on their work around ‘Earth’s Extreme’ with a focus on earthquakes, due to the recent, and ongoing, disaster in Turkey and Syria.

Again, they recapped their geographical knowledge of: the world’s continents; the equator; the northern & southern hemispheres and lines of longitude & latitude.

Next, they researched some of the most significant, and therefore famous, earthquakes in history, including the devastating one in Indonesia on Boxing Day in 2004.

The children then found out about what causes an earthquake and how they are measured. They wrote informative paragraphs, about these two things, with a specific focus on using co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions in their writing.

Finally, following on from their homework over February half-term, the children wrote persuasive letters to families at Woodlands to convince them to support people in Turkey and Syria who have been impacted by recent events there. The children can be very persuasive!

After Easter, the children’s Literacy work will be based around the ‘Glorious and Gruesome Greeks’ of Ancient Greece. We know lots of them are looking forward to it!


In Numeracy, the children have learnt a new formal written method: long multiplication.

They have also revised square & cube numbers and decimals, including turning decimals into fractions when the denominator is /10, /100 or /1000.


In Science, the children have concluded their learning about forces and have moved on to finding out about Space! We thoroughly enjoyed recreating the solar system on the playground.


Finally, in Music, the children have been working really hard at mastering the note E on the recorder, alongside G, A and B. We are amazed at their skills and the progress they have made. After half-term, we will be moving on to note D.