Marvellous March

Wow! What a busy month we have had in EYFS! The children have really been pushing themselves and working hard and are loving sharing their thinking and understanding with others.

During our Maths learning the children have been learning how to represent numbers to 10 in different ways and have explored the various ways to make each number to 10. The children have used numicon and tens frames to find the different ways and have become more confident to explain their mathematical understanding.

Below are some examples of the children’s maths learning:

Child countingChild counting

Child counting Child counting Child counting

In phonics the children have been busy using their speed sound knowledge to read and write. During this month the children have developed their writing skills and have been using their phonics knowledge to share their thinking using simple sentences, with some children using finger spaces and full stops with growing accuracy.

Over the last few weeks, the children in Reception have been learning about the past and thinking about how they have changed over time. They have enjoyed looking back at baby photos of each other and talking about how they are different now compared to when they were a baby. They have also been sharing past experiences with their friends and families and have represented these through role play, drawings, construction, paint, and writing.

The children have also been learning about Wassily Kandinsky, a famous artist from the past. Together they have found out and remembered facts about his life and then used the laptops, paint, inks, loose parts, and other drawing materials to create their own representations of Kandinsky’s artwork.

Take a look at some of our History learning below:

Construction Kandinsky artwork

Using laptops Using laptops Using laptops Kandinsky artwork Kandinsky artwork Kandinsky artwork Kandinsky artworkChild painting

Child painting

Parental Involvement

Over the month it’s been lovely to see so many parents and carer joining us in the unit for our maths stay and learns and Mother’s Day lunches. It’s wonderful getting to share the learning with your first hand and the children love getting to show off their fantastic work with you. Take a look at some photos below of our parents/ carers who came to join us.


Last but not least we have had some very exciting new members of the EYFS unit – 5 chicks! Over the month we have waited and watched them hatch and grow. The children have researched how to look after and take care of the chicks and have loved getting to hold them when they were tiny. We can’t wait to get them into their new home in snake garden after the Easter Holidays.

Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick