Reception News- Autumn 2, Week 4

It’s been another busy week in reception! The children have been busy learning all of the songs and practicing for their upcoming nativity performance. During reception project time, children have been thinking carefully about how we keep our brains and our bodies healthy. Learners have explored the effects that exercise has on our bodies and looked carefully at what makes a healthy plate of food.


The ‘Favourite Five’ story next week will be ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson which links to Personal, Social and Emotional Development as the children think about sharing.

Key Vocabulary to share with your child:

  • shell
  • share
  • gull
  • empty
  • scuttle
  • safe
  • blob
  • anemone
  • tentacle
  • grown

Reception will continue to practice their Nativity songs next week.

For next weeks reception project, children will be thinking about different organs in the body following on from our learning on leading a healthy lifestyle.

Key Vocabulary

  • heart
  • lungs
  • digestive system
  • brain
  • organs
  • anatomy
  • growth
  • healthy


The Secrets of Success award this week was for Concentrate – well done to Freddie, Brodie, Albie & Margot! You have shown us how hard you are all working on your concentration skills!


This week, it was orange group’s turn to take their learning journeys home to share all of their hard work with their families. Please remember to return on Monday.