Year 2 distance learning w/c 25th January

In year 2 this week we finish our work looking at The Great Fire of London. We will carefully examine the diary of Samuel Pepys. In maths we are looking at more measures, this week mass/weight. In Foundation subjects we are creating a piece of art work inspired by The Great Fire of London and we will also finish our RE work on the scriptures by creating cards and pictures for loved ones featuring words we want to say to them.

Please click on the links below for more details or by viewing Class Dojo

Mathematics Capacity

Literacy The Great Fire of London

RE The Scriptures

Take a look at some fabulous learning this week from our school and home learners!

This week, Theo has been applying the skills that he has learnt in mathematics to bake some delicious cupcakes at home with his Mum – yummy!


We have written a newspaper report about the Great Fire of London in Literacy. Lois has included a lot of historical facts and some wonderful descriptions.

Using his laptop, William created his report from home. It is great to hear that William has conducted his own research using Google. We love your fiery picture to illustrate the story too William!